
This spring I took an art class with a wonderful teacher Karen Danenberger at our local community center…it was termed an artists bootcamp …it took as back through the basics of painting and evolved into doing a finished piece, which you see here. I loved the class because it go me to focus on basic paint mixing and  laying out the steps for working on painting. I have set a mental goal for myself to try and work bigger and this was a great step towards that, giving me confidence in the steps … if baby steps at that!

neutral tones - laying in the shapes and shadows

neutral tones – laying in the shapes and shadows

Adding a bit of color - playing with the background values

Adding a bit of color – playing with the background values

bringing in lots of colors and working a bit on the details

bringing in lots of colors and working a bit on the details

starting to fine tune with details and highlights note see the photo we were working form on the left of easel

starting to fine tune with details and highlights note see the photo we were working form on the left of easel

final highlights in place and stepping back to say -done!

final highlights in place and stepping back to say -done!

I would like to experiment on cropping in on the painting to give it a more dramatic look …what do you think?

different cropping (?)

different cropping (?)