IMG_2604Last month I joined in a challenge called Mix it Monthly and had a good time coming up with a piece to share …so I decided to watch for July’s. Sure enough it was one of my favorite subjects “we go to the beach and look for inspiration” .

Piarom who is behind Mix it Monthly displayed a beach photo some seagull art and requested:

“lets take the blue of the incredible sea
the sand from the beach
and some violett from the shore
and create … also incorporate wood, a bird and words from a song.

I decided to work in the techniques that I had learned at my recent workshop taught by Kate Thompson and started to prepare a canvas of muslin and plaster. I used a mesh fruit bag to make impressions in the plaster, thinking it would be like a fish net but as I stepped back to look at the surface I felt the mermaids emerge and so it began…






I worked in a number of mediums paint, pastels, Tomboy markers and ink including layering a map under the muslin. The quote is by Van Morrison from his song: Into the Mystic and which I saw in a store at a beach merchandise display – I think these things happen for a reason!
“Hark now hear the Sailors cry, Smell the sea and feel the sky, let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic”
Thanks for my chance to play at the beach Mix-it-Monthly!